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Notes from Larry:

I wish to thank those of you who come to this site even though I have been absent for quite some time. This site has a very important purpose. There is much to say and much to hear from all of you.

For those of you who might be wondering about m;y health, I am happy to report that I have fully recovered and am healthier and stronger then I have been in over 20 years. My health was not my reason for my absence. I just needed some time away and appreciate your understanding. I will, however, be back right after the New Year.

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To Larry:

September 7, 2009

Obama's New Game - Obamopoly - You Lose

NEW GAME - The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism
by having the government take-over everything!

Wanna play?


Too bad, you're already playing . . . And quite frankly, in this game Obama and his Banksters and Gangstas have already won.

1 comment:

  1. If the Government takes over everything and capitalism is destroyed wouldn't that put bankers and speculators out of business? I'm confused here.
